Sunday, January 22, 2017

Introduction to the Night Sky Imager

As of this moment I am a lot less frustrated with the technical aspects of astronomy and astro-imaging and I continue to become more comfortable with it. I dived in a few months ago after years of contemplating, part time studying, following discussions in various forums, etc.

So far I have learned a lot of lessons and not the least important of which is that a lot of great people can be found in this field. And yes, many astronomers and astroimagers may not have a formal education in this field.

The purpose of this blog, The Night Sky Imager,  is to be a means for me to share my learning and my experiences with people who may be contemplating this discipline, or people already somewhat committed and on their way with astro-imaging, knowing that everyone learns differently and  everyone experinces the world in a unique way.

I am not sure how this blog is going to work and evolve since I have no experience with blogging. I am hoping to follow this introductory piece with a little about me and a little about where I am with astro-imaging at the moment and where I am heading with it. Above all, I want to clarify and simplify the information that is available online, and the information that can be difficult to understand.

This - will continue...